• UI / UX
  • Website
  • Video
  • Social Media

Georgia Ophthalmologists

This website had to provide information about the many services Georgia Ophthalmologists offers, but it also needed to convey the culture and thought leadership of Dr. Jose Bigles and his team. We first outlined the website on paper, then moved to Sketch to document the UX (user experience). After getting approval from the client on the various pages and content, we moved into the creative phase by building a customized, responsive wordpress site.

Whether for desktop, tablet or mobile, we curated content to best fit the screen with optimum online delivery. From heavy text, graphics and images, to video, to downloadable forms, the original content matrix helped keep us honest and efficient. Additionally, we produced a series of videos featuring Dr. Bigles communicating about the many services his practice provides.

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Georgia Ophthalmologists, is a full service ophthalmology practice committed to your health, no matter what stage of life you’re in.